Hey don't get too excited...when my mom finishes the pictures sometimes my eyes look different colors.
They aren't brown
yet. Still a funky gray that is the color of whatever they reflect.
Mommy says they are awesome.

These are my fancy little feet in my sassy strawberry socks that Auntie Lisa gave me.
These are very busy feet.
And they taste good. I should know, I can stick them in my mouth!

So, hey.
Let me tell you about the other day.

Daddy and Mommy took me to the beach!

My Daddy is lots of fun. He let me get nekkid and splash in the water.

And then I sat for a while on a sunny beach blanket (in the shade with 50 sunscreen on).
Sand is funny. It feels good. It doesn't taste good.
Don't find out the hard way...



Yeah I fully love the beach. There is so much to see and smell and taste there!
(But Dad suggests I stay away from the goose poop!)

Hey yeah look! Mom was there too! Dad has started taking more pictures of her with me since usually she is the one behind the camera!
Oh yeah, and now she is getting all National Geographic on us.
The other day she was taking pictures of a bear down the street, and he started heading right for her!
Dad even started getting pretty nervous, but thankfully a big white truck drove by and distracted him...

She's the best mom in the world, so I don't blame him for wanting to get her kisses...
She promised to be more careful in the future!