I can't believe she is already 5 months old. I remember bringing her home and swaddling her and staring at her in wild disbelief.
We were sitting in bed this morning talking about all the things she has done and seen and accomplished in her mere 5 months.
All the states she has been to, all the people she has met, all the neat things she has learned to do very well.

She said one of her favorite moments ever was at the lake for her first time with her dad.
He shaved that day...

Then we got up and got she got her sassy saucer on.
She is getting pretty good at making all the toys work and move.

Then we had a little nap, woke up to bananas and cereal, and packed it up to meet our friends Jaime and Aubrey at the farmer's market.
There were lots of little babies there, but our posse was totally representin'.

Then we stopped by to say "Hi!" to Grammee and Grandpa Norm.
Grammee's front porch is so cute!

It has been a great 5 monthiversary so far.
Here is a little stroll down memory lane to keep you reminded of how much she has grown!
Day 2
1 Month Old
2 Months Old
2 Months Old

Everywhere I go ladies need to (NEED TO) pinch and smoosh and squish her. She is such a delightful baby, and just a great little person to be with.
I couldn't love anything more...
I couldn't love anything more...

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