She's 18 pounds, 27 .5 inches, and growing like a little weed!
She had 3 shots today, and she is such a trooper! Of course it was traumatic for all of us, but it seems she's all but forgotten already...

We have been super busy laying tile in the kitchen, hallway and laundry room... I am still pulling it all together and Charlie still has to lay the baseboards, but here is a sneak preview.

As for Madee, she is waving now, when she wakes up we wave at her from across the room and she waves back!
And if you lay her anywhere on her back she immediately rolls over to her belly - almost without meaning to! In fact, sometimes she gets stuck on her belly and you roll her over and she just rolls back again...
She is loving reading books (she turns the pages for you), eating solid foods (she is crazy about bananas!), playing in her various activity centers, and looking in mirrors (that other baby copies her at everything ...

And she is sleeping in her crib like a champ.
I am a lucky lucky mom...
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