Hopefully that will be soon.
Madee has been so much fun but also quite a challenge lately. And by that I mean she is challenging me. When I tell her "no".
She has a lot of personality and some very determined ideas of what she wants , what she wants to do, and when she wants to do it.

She's totally a big stinker and she'll crack your hand if she doesn't like what you are doing.
Speaking of trouble, Auntie Lisa's birthday was this past weekend, and she had a "Tacky Christmas Sweater Party".
I made mine and Charlie's.
Charlie won the competition hands down with his light up stocking sweater filled with candy for good boys and girls.
I really felt like I had come into my own with my creations. Of course I felt quite validated by the 2 prizes we brought home, "Best in Show" and "Quality of Craftsmanship".
I guess I've found my calling!

I love our cheesy portrait in front of the tree.
BTW, I do not wear my hair like that but I was going for an 80's feel. I am pretty sure I nailed it.
Christmas cards were a challenge this year. Madee has been quite sick and or teething for like a month so it was hard to capture her without the snot wall or the watery eyes or the sad face or just sleeping or crying...not to mention the poop.
I don't know how she does it, but she is always just adorable, even when she feels far from it.

And Charlie finally got a bump sighting today. I still haven't gained any weight, but I'm holding strong where I am, and apparently somebody else inside here has been getting enough to eat anyway.
I know, looking a little pale, but Mama's been a sick girl!

Self Portrait of belly. It will probably be bigger by New Year's, what with all I have planned to cook for the holidays...

That last picture is pretty sexy. Baby bumps are almost as cool as Christmas sweaters.
Does that sweater Charlie is wearing light up??? Nice hair Karmen! Hope you guys have a great Christmas!
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