Look at all these friends!

And baby push ups!

I don't even think she was hot, and I kept showing her the other kids who were wearing clothes and explaining that is just how things are done outside the house.
Although it did make her the cutest kid there.
There were all sorts of bounce stations and fun and kids running around. What a great way to spend some time and energy! It has been a while since they have been well enough to play with others, so it was long over due.

You have no idea the drama, trauma, and crazy mama that goes on trying to get these 2 in and out of clothing and cars and buildings.
It is seriously a lot of physical and mental stress to keep everybody pulled together and usually, at least one of us is crying.

Yes I said -7 degrees this morning.
As in feels like -22.
Like I could tell the difference!

Cute little monkey!
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