She is such a big girl! So inquisitive and determined and silly. We have such a good time together.

It's been pretty cold since Daylight Savings Time ended. In fact, Madee seems to be sleeping more since it is dark more often.
She has some great little hats and vests, and just got some little boots just like Mommy's.

She isn't exactly sure what to think about it all yet, though.

MAdee is just excited about getting her snowsuit and riding on her new sled.

So we are headed to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, and we leave Sunday. I hope I have enough time to remember everything we will need for the trip.
And it would be cool to get a few naps in too.
Look at her cookie trail from lips to seat...

2 more months and she'll be having her first birthday party! I can't believe how time is flying!

Your Daddy and I love you snuggler. You're the best!
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