Sunday, July 26, 2009


You never know how it will be when you put two little ones together, but these little cousins are new best friends! They are so similar in size and physique and skill set that they are just perfect together. They just run around the house like two little imps giggling and playing.

It is serious cuteness. They just totally get each other.

We are sad to say goodbye to our Midwest Van Dervens.

We can't wait for cousin time again!

I have a new favorite picture of Madee...this one is totally getting blown up for the wall!

And the tiniest precious Van Derven girl is doing quite well! Such a cute little baby.
Here she poses with a couple of hats.

We still have so many pictures to get through, so I will post some more when we get home sometime Wednesday or Thursday. We have had such a great vacation and road trip and are so happy we got to see so many of our family and friends.

Wish us safe travels and we will be back soon!


Anonymous said...

They're all so cute! Looks like you have a thumb sucker on your hands. Good luck with that, Marley's still doing it here and there! Mavala Stop seems to work but leaves a terrible taste in their mouths!

Wish we could have seen you before you left town. Maybe next time. Take care and drive carefully!

Angie and Marley

Jessica Van Derven said...

We had a blast! Visit anytime!