Wow. A month has flown by. Although you have done a lot of sleeping the past 30 days, We have been learning a lot about you. For instance, you LOVE to sleep.

Also, you have quite a set of lungs on you and chances are your Dad and I will never have a problem knowing where you and your sister are, because you are both quite loud. You get very upset if you wake up and think you are alone.

You love caresses and kisses. You smile and coo and nuzzle up whenever any of us touch you. You don't even mind when Madee lays on you. You are a perfect addition to our puppy pile. I really love the mornings when we are all in bed doing our wake up routine. You really really like to be held and you have made suckas out of me and your Dad already.
You like to sleep on your belly and sometimes you nuzzle up and try to nurse Dad's back in bed. He can sleep with one foot on the floor and only 2 inches of bed. Who knew?
Your eyelashes and your hair look very red. Of course this means nothing because the same can be said for your sister at this age and now she is quite blonde.

Today we will go see the doctor for your one month check up. Your sister isn't going with us this time because she doesn't really care for the doctor or his nurses. You will learn more about that at your 2 month check up which will coincide with Madee's 18 month check up. I am already having anxiety over that one...
When your sister went in for her 1 month check up, she was 23 inches long and weighed 11 lbs and 11 oz. Here are some pictures of her when she was your age.
You can read here 1 month old blog here. I can see some very sisterly similarities!

So far you are quite delicious, and of course we would expect nothing less. Today we leave for your very first road trip. You can start adding states to your list as Daddy and I begin your 50 state tour. It will take a while, but we will take you girls to all of them, eventually.
You are very lucky to be a traveling Van Derven. We have lots of fun.

This past month has been a very happy one for our household. Thank you for joining us, little flower. We are excited to watch you grow!
****update*** Eden weighed 10 lbs 12 oz and measured 23 1/2 inches long.
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