today i decided to try and sleep when the baby sleeps
as everyone tells me to do
(it is harder than it sounds for sure!
but we went down for a nap today at noon
and slept almost 4 hours
it was amazing
and she slept the whole time
i am a drill sergeant
with eating, sleeping, changing
but she really is getting into a routine
of course she calls the shots
but i enforce her great behavior
and it is huge progress to happier baby and mommy!
she is so smart
right now she is sleeping on her daddy's chest
like a little angel
the last few days (and nights) have been rough
even though she is so easy
it is hard to completely rearrange sleeping/eating/hygiene habits
i just try to make sense of it all
i cry alot
which i hear
is all very normal
i get overwhelmed
with love for her
thoughts of her future
how they grow up so fast
how i have so much purpose
the changes in my life and perspective
and then there is also the lack of sleep
the pain
and forgetting to eat in time...
not to mention all the hormone flux that goes on right after birth
you are just weepy and sentimental and overwhelmed with all sorts of awe...
i am surprised at how quickly she has adapted to her new environment
when the dogs start barking she doesn't even flinch
they are all doing so well with her
there is dog hair on her stuff
but i am resigning that one
and vacuuming daily
a new mom has to let go of some the anal things for a little while
she has way more important things to do/be/contribute to
my biggest piece of new mom advice:
just don't stress
she will feel it
and it will make things harder
stock up on frozen pizza
take out/delivery menus
and stouffer's lasagna
having a baby changes everything
it is just so amazing...
I am so happy for you. You have a beautiful family!
She's so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us - we are so far away and so very happy for you and wish you all the best. Can't wait to meet her!
Right on VanDerven's! This is the coolest thing to do for people to follow along. Don't forget to check us out too, dahlines.blogspot.com .
Carmen, you married? you have a child? Did you even ask my permission?! :-D
We love you and are glad you are in "awe".
tim & annette
Sounds as if Miss Madelyn will easily adapt to life with her rockstar parents touring the US and living out of the family bus. We will be waiting for you to pick us up!
Cant wait to see all three of you!
Amy and The Johnson Boys
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