So we went to the beach to introduce little Miss Madelyn to Lake Tahoe. I don't know if she opened her eyes much, she tends to sleep when Charlie has her in her front pack. The dogs were pretty stoked to be able to get outside and run around without too much snow underfoot.

Here is Zeus man on the pier at Valhalla. He has maybe two faces he gives for pictures. The "throw the stick" face and the "duh, what? face". I will let you guess which one this is...
This has got to be my favorite picture of these two yet...

There is something super sweet about a guy and his daughter. Something a little rough and something so soft. They are just the cutest together.

Speaking of cute. Check out Ono in the snow. She always looks so lovely with a white backdrop, and her fur looks pretty smart for a tundra chihuahua, with all its adorable little curlies and odd lengths. Everyone always asks me what she is.
I say "dog".
While we were on the beach we ran into an Irish Wolfhound. Ono and the Wolfy didn't really believe the other was a real dog...

It is funny, this picture looks almost exactly the same in its black and white version. Zoie is so pretty, and she is very good at posing for great shots.

I am just excited about the warm weather we are about to get ourselves into. I have a feeling Florida never looked so good to me before...
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