We get a lot of snow. Here is Charlie in our driveway, posing with our front yard. It is pretty crazy...you can tell which houses dogs live at from the yellow patterns in the snow at the end of the driveways. Zeus illustrates...

Here I am standing in front of our neighbors driveway. Hope they don't need to get in there until July...

That is our house on the left. All the houses on our street look like igloos with shake roofs. The house two down from ours is for rent. I can't imagine someone gets a good idea of what they are getting into with a snow pile like this!

Every street is a tall white tunnel, with little chutes that lead into people's driveways. When we give directions, we say "it is the first ice hole on your right..." Here is Zoie sniffing around at the end of our ice hole. You better know where you are going these days, because it is easy to drive right by if you aren't certain of where to turn in.
And good luck finding a parking space once you get there...
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