Hiya Grampa.
Mad here...
Here I am in my sweet crib checking out my ladybug mobile.
Sometimes those bugs take me by surprise!

She thinks I am a pretty big deal.
The big guy says her name is "Mom".
I just call her "aaahhhiiieeee".
She seems to answer to it just the same.
Saturday mornings are my absoloo favorite because Daddy stays in bed with us and we sleep late and play silly games and I get to snuggle him for as long as I want.
Saturdays rule...

Mom will get that black box out and make the funny sounds that make me laugh several times a day to try and get a good shot.
Here is one of our sessions.
She makes really funny sounds for me.

And she kisses me, like, all the time...

Kisses make me happy.
Pretty much any kisses, anytime, anywhere.
I love the sound they make.

And sometimes they tickle.

Here she is playing snow queen at the lake today.
I am pretty sure she didn't really like me first,
but she is starting to come around...

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