So we are officially more than halfway to Eden, and between her violent karate kicking and Madee pinching and pulling at my belly skin every time I ask her"Where's the baby?" she very well could be freed before then.
I had a OB appt yesterday and I am pretty stoked that my blood pressure was 112/74, which is lower than it was last pregnancy, even before it started to get out of hand. I ate lots of bananas my 1st trimester because I heard that could counteract high blood pressure, and I am still eating more bananas than usual, in an attempt to just avoid that whole nasty thing anyway.

I have gained plenty of weight back, and although I am sitting fat and pretty at -2 my pre-pregnancy weight, my doctor says that it is perfectly normal and healthy. It seems like my body wanted to start where it started with Madee, and I am right on target with my weight with the last pregnancy.

Of course, this being my second pregnancy right on top of the last one, my belly muscles know all too well where they are going, so I feel bigger than I did at 21 weeks last time - ummm, not just feel, Charlie will attest that I have gone from zero to very pregnant in no time flat. He is already pushing me back on the couch/bed/floor to watch me wiggle and struggle to get up. The good thing is, Madee has a nice little seat to ride as I carry her around.
The worst thing this time around has got to be the headaches and the fact that I snore so loud that I still keep Charlie awake when he is sleeping in the other room. In fact, the doctor thinks I could be having some fights with sleep apnea, and that I should get a mouth guard thingy that will help me breathe better at night.

As for my biggest problem? That feeling that I have nothing to wear. Eden kicks hard if I wear pants, and I am hating my selection of 3 shirts. Well that and the best maternity photographer in town is too close to me to get a really good shot...luckily I have Charlie - he always gets the best faces out of me anyway.

Eden is quite active, and I call her "Tiger" all the time. By the way, Madee was "Killer" and still is. What feminine little nicknames! Just like her sister, when the nurse tries to locate her for heartbeats, Eden is always hiding or on the move, and I generally tell the nurse that by nature my children are bull headed and uncooperative, so just keep trying and she will certainly earn her wage that day.
I really liked the look on her face once she finally located that heartbeat (in what seemed to her to be a strange place for it) and said, "Wow. You are going to have your hands full." Tell me something I don't know...you can change our name, but a Coon girl is a Coon girl and Coon girls are NOTORIOUS.

Let's see, in other news, K Van D Photography is making a little name for itself, and I am working with a fabulous designer for my brochures and business cards, coming soon to places mommies gather near you. I am really excited, and considering all the pregnant women in this town, I hope I will actually have to take a maternity leave when my own bun is ready to come out of the oven. Can I tell you how excited I am about taking newborn pics of my own newborn? Guaranteed to be the youngest one I have shot.
Also, Madee has found and knows the name of her bellybutton. If you ask her where it is, she will grab her belly with 2 hands and try to give you a great view of it. Adorable. She doesn't crawl anymore, although she falls often. She can turn around on two feet, push her popcorn toy while walking, and (too adorable) follows Zoie around the house with her elbows in and pinchers up and out, making a "c'mere doggie doggie" gesture.

Of course Zoie is her fave, since Zoie can't stand her. Of course Zoie has just never liked anything or anyone that is cute or having fun.
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