So at this age, they love to imitate Mom and Dad. I guess that is why her 2 faves are the phone and her new camera.

She is also pretty fond of this guy...she loves to chase the dogs around the house. Ono actually plays chase with her.
Zeus is actually just trying to get away.

What a great kid.
Every night, we watch Jeopardy!, then it is bath time.
Last night, as we were expecting the answer for Final Jeopardy!, we noticed that she had crawled into the bathroom and was trying to start her bath without us.
What a big girl!

Madee went to her first birthday party this weekend! It was surely a wild time! It was chilly o she made her entrance in this adorable velvet number, courtesy of her Lovely Auntie Terri!
Thank you Terri! It was so awesome that you bought her clothes for when she was older...we still have several outfits to look forward to!

This is the birthday girl, Lila Pearl.

She was so cracked out on birthday cake and presents and friends. It was adorable. I am excited to have Madee's first birthday.
And she can't wait to open her own presents.

Let's other news...we are "in talks" to buy a new vehicle that will be the right size for our clan. I am pretty excited because I imagined up the "Dream Car" and it looks like we found it.
I can't give any deets, I just don't want to jinx it! But look soon for updates and pictures of our new 4-wheeled family member!
The Volvo has been a great car, but knowing 2 car seats are going to be in our vehicle for the next several years makes us a little more realistic about what we can fit into. And the Volvo just isn't it.

Madee lets go and stands by herself all the time now. She is getting better and better at balancing. She is also quite a dancer. She bops to everything music and really seems to like the ABC song. And Reggae.

I am excited because I have a new baby to take pictures of. Aliana was born on Sunday, and like several other Tahoe baby girls I know, she was 8 lbs, 3 oz. I am guessing that is just the cool weight to be born at...I think cousin Rachel weighed that too!
I did some senior pictures last week, feel free to sneak a peek right
And I have a maternity shoot next week, plus her little one is due in 2 weeks! So I will have some fresh new fun to share with everyone. I am really enjoying the whole photography gig, and I am learning so much.

Updates on New Baby...I have these dreams that he/she is already moving around in there in a very formed way. Like legs and arms poking out. It is funny to dream of New Baby and to wake up so thin. So I had a crazy hot sauce streak running last week, spent about 2 weeks eating pizza, and have now settled for lentils, bananas, and low fat milk. I chose these because the first 2 should help reduce my risk of developing high blood pressure this time, and milk because it does a baby good.
I am mostly nauseous at night, a little pukey, and just dog tired. Other than that I am feeling pretty super!

Madee says "Hi!"