I cannot believe how fast they grow up. It blows my mind.

Madee makes her own costumes. She found this belt and made it a crossing guard sash.
And then she gave me a ticket.

And here she is playing with her favorite new toy which she got for Mother's Day.
She LOVES water, so this is right up her alley.

Goofy girl eats her yogurt all by herself...messy!

So I went for my weekly with the doctor on Tuesday. My blood pressure was awesome, the ultrasound was normal and everything tested A-Ok with the non stress test. Since I am 36 1/2 weeks he went ahead and checked the baby.
I am dilated 1 cm, 50 % effaced and the head is down. If you don't know what that means feel free to Google it but I don't plan on elaborating any more than that even if I speak to you privately.
What I will tell you is that I could remain that way for 2 weeks or more. Or we could go into labor tomorrow. I am seeing a OB/GYN, not a fortune teller, so he can't predict any more than that.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT start calling the house to ask if the baby is here.
Even Charlie knows how to use this blogger machine so we swear, we will keep everybody updated if and when anything happens, and we will also post pictures ASAP.

That being said, we are very excited to know she could come any day. The doc wants her to stay in a week or 2, but we think that would just be cruel, especially when everybody is so excited to see/smell/kiss her.
We just want her to come when she is good and ready for the outside world. We have learned what a huge transition that is for a little person.
This is the cradle by our bed that she will be sleeping in...

All of her clothes are clean, folded, and waiting for her here in her dresser/ changing station.

Meanwhile, my rad Auntie Leslie is in town for the rest of the week, so everyone can rest easy knowing I am well taken care of!
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