The other day we went to pick out some flowers.

Madee picked these. I absolutely love them.

Madee making off with some cheesy poofs...she likes to walk everywhere by herself now and she is getting better...well, more cooperative. Not completely cooperative, but there has been an improvement.

Our friend Stacey got married this past yesterday, and I got to take pictures for her. This is me when I realized I was stuck in the elevator and that no one could hear me scream. Seriously. Claustrophobic pregnant woman in the elevator...

Killer sunflare kiss.

Happy Stacey and Mr. Stacey...

One tired little walk-a-thoner after all the fun.

So we will probably be spending the rest of the weekend resting and relaxing! Have a great time this weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!
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