So all season I have been searching garage sales and such for a few items. Although this rocking horse/unicorn was not on the list, at $5 it was totally a score...

It also makes galloping and neighing noises when you pinch his ears. And his mouth moves when he whinnys. Adorable.
Also I have been looking high and low for a dining area table - and our space is limited, so it had some serious requirements for this one - I wanted a round wooden pedestal table - and it wasn't easy to find.
We got this one at a garage sale - the same as the unicorn - for $25. I even see painting it black one day - but I like as is for now...

And perhaps my greatest score to date - A Bob jogging stroller. This is a $300 stroller and I have coveted one since Madee was born.
$20. Redonkulous!

Last Mother's Day, my parents gave me the statue on the right. Charlie got the other from his parents this Father's Day. They look just like our family does right now.
So sweet.

Speaking of sweet.

Block configuration built by me for Madee.


Today she picked out a couple empty purses and handed me one, and we went pretend garage saling around the house. She packed up a purse and handed me my shoes, then went and stood by the door asking to really go.
Her Dad took her for an outing right away.
I am looking forward to taking her to some for real garage sales tomorrow.

She loves the score!

Every time Eden cries, even if Madee is outside - Madee comes running to her. She always consistenly responds. It is the cutest thing. She gets very unsettled when eden is crying for too long. She will motion for you to fix it.

Pretty Little Lady.

I also had the opportunity to shore up her little hair line.

After. She looks like such a little girl with her big girl haircut.

Eden does this most of the time. But she wakes up if I put her down. She wants to still be attached. Thank you again Brody for my Ergo. I would get anything 2 handed done without it!