The good part is I get some alone time with awake Eden, and since she sleeps while Madee is horsing around the house, I can have two hands and one eye on the one who really needs to be watched...
Sweet knuckles.

My girls.

Oh so sweet when sleeping.

She goes through approximately all the clothes that even fit anymore in a day - between her water table the dog's water bowl and various other ways to get wet or dirty, it is a constant fashion show around here.
Some moments are just without shirts or pants at all. Love her bellybutton.

We got a new tent recently and Dada and Madee set it up to play in the backyard. It looks like this circus will be traveling soon, so we are getting geared up...

We will bringing loads of bubbles. Madee brings me the bubbles and everything that I could possibly require to blow them. She takes no excuses.

Bubbles with Dad.

She does it herself.

All by herself!

My gorgeous husband. He does a great job keeping things whimsical around here. Check out his grass...he grew it himself!

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