We had a Family Beach BBQ at Pope Beach - the Dervs are in town...and we just couldn't get Madee out of the water.
Here is what she looks like when she is surfing. Practice makes perfect.

She has a love/hate relationship with water. She only wants it on her own terms. This same kid screams in the bathtub...

I love this one...

She has such a great time in the sand and water. She is such an outside girl, and she has such beachy hair that she just looks natural on the shore.

My sunshine.

She is too cute to watch. She was telling her Grandpa what to do all sassy like.

And he is such a sucker for it.

She had lots of fun scaring her Grandma near the water. She really doesn't go in past her ankles. Lake Tahoe is cold! I can barely keep my toes in - it isn't that warm out yet!

The focus is on the cheese. Ha.

Miss Sweet Pea of the Universe.

How Eden spent her first day at the beach. Surprise! She slept through the whole thing! She is a very sleepy baby.

Our picnic tree.

Madee loves to dump out any bag or package of anything. Despite fully knowing this, I always leave things around for he to make a mess with. Like a bag of Doritos...

We are having lots of fun with the Grandparents Van Derven. Seriously - too many pictures to put up!
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