My daily favorite thing is this sign that hangs on the deck from our wedding. I love how it indicates that a wedding celebration is always going on inside the house.
Because most of the time that is totally the case.

I am not sure what I would have done without Charlie the past few days. I haven't been this sick, exhausted or emotional since, well, I don't know.
Other than Madee's newfound love for being held by her legs upside down, it hasn't been an easy week.
And now these two are sniffling and coughing...

So we are gearing up for round two of this terrible cold. Boo. My poor buddies.
Charlie was and determined to get me back on track today so he took me to Billy's for meatloaf sandwiches and hand cut fries.
It was delicious and just as I was starting to feel a little more like myself, Madee flung herself from her carseat and straight into the wall and slid down.
I jumped out of my shoes, knocking over chairs and when we made eye contact, we were both just stunned.

Of course so was every one else in the restaurant.
It was horrifying, but there was actually a very quick recovery that did include a bloody murder scream the moment after she made eye contact and smiled with her Dad.

It was pretty horrifying, for everyone, and we all had a nice relieved laugh once the whole thing was over. Probably everyone in that restaurant had kids and began to tell the stories of broken bones and hospital visits, and it all pretty much just sounded like static.
I just kept thinking of how many ways I should have could have would have prevented it and how stupid could I be, or selfish or ...
And then I start thinking how much am I going to beat myself up when something like that happens and something actually happens?
Because this time nothing did and I am still feeling guilty over it.

This is what she looked like when I got to her...don't worry, she still looks like that now.
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