Of course the next several hours were not as great, since both girls were screaming their heads off - Eden wanted a bottle (a bottle!) and Madee needed cuddle time. And neither of them could be satisfied with what I had to offer. Oh if I could split myself in two.

And yes, I wait until Madee is asleep if I can, because I feel guilty about doing it in front of her. (Unless she is in the mood to participate!) I mean, this isn't what she is usually into - she is at a different stage of development, but sometimes she walks in on a good gooing session and I kind of feel like I just got caught making out with somebody.

Madee has been learning how to Ollie. A snowboard instructor friend of ours came to hang out the other night and started getting her balance prepped for the winter. She totally developed a crush on him and a determination to do what he told her. He is so good with kids, I might ask him to be my manny.
We have been doing more independent outings, just us girls, and it has been getting easier to navigate the world with the two of them. I got a new double stroller that has the maneuverability of a Lamborghini, independent reclining seats, and it is light as a feather. It doesn't have a cup holder, but seriously, even with both girls in it, you can drive it with one finger, so you can hold your own.
Learning how to get around in this world with these little people is crucial to my survival. They actually surprise me with good behavior on our grocery trips, or errand running. Sure there is usually a lot of noise and some crying or yelling involved, but we are out there doing it and that feels good. Plus there is always some other mother wherever I go that is dealing with her own litter, and we look at each other like "You poor thing, good luck with that!" Go Team Mom!

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