Madee and I spent a little time taking silly self portraits yesterday. I ended up keeping so many, because you can tell we were having a really good time.
I feel like since my point and shoot camera died, I have been missing moments that normally I would get if I was seeing things less as a photographer and more as a mom. Like sometimes if it isn't a great photo shoot opp or the light control is beyond me or (blah blah blah). It is easy to make excuses, and even though I have SO MANY pictures of her there are also pictures that I don't have, because I sometimes take this stuff too seriously.
And I really want those imperfect/flash riddled/wonky eyed photos too.

So pictures like this have been happening less and less often, when they should be happening more and more.

I love how you can really see how much trouble Charlie and I are in for with the look on her face here.
Entirely too much trouble.

So, as much as before I just really longed to have those special professional looking shots of my little girl, and don't get me wrong-
I love those shots.

Now I really want to balance that with the silly random regular old snapshots that I use to be famous for.

Because those are the ones that are making memories.
Those are the records of the times I want to remember.

Goofing off with my favorite little buddy on the floor in Babytown.

This one is my favorite. You can really see how much we are into each other.

Weston is back from Minnesota!

Madee wasn't sure about having him back, and really yelled and screamed at him at first.

Just like a REAL girlfriend!

Before you know it they were best buds again. He couldn't believe she was crawling sure makes it easier for her to escape his kisses!

reallyreally loves her. Hard.

Madee, like her Mama, appreciates a little personal space. Since she was in my belly she was a private little person, and she just likes a chance to warm up to you while you are about 10 feet away.
She just doesn't want you all up her grill.

I love watching her interact, and learning new little things about her.

She is just such a funny kid. She gets me rolling
all the time...